Fire Classes and Fire Extinguishing Systems

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Fire Classes and Fire Extinguishing Systems

In TLA, the word fire in its simplest form is defined as  “big fire that causes damage”. However, fire and therefore combustion have a more complicated and technical concept.Combustion is described as a chemical event and result. Because, in the event of combustion, there is a chemical situation as the flammable substance and oxygen combine. Combustion in its widest scope; can be explained as the exothermic chemical situation caused by the combination of a flammable substance with oxygen.

There are 3 conditions/requirements for combustion to happen. Even if one of these requirements is missing, the fire/combustion will not occur. These are;

  • Combustible Material
  • Heat
  • Oxygen

Depending on the nature of the combustible material, they may exist in nature and in our environment in three forms as solid, liquid and gas. However, Fire Classification is generally made in 4 categories. These are;

Class A Solid Flammable Fires:

It is the general name of substances with a specific mass which emit gas or vapour under the influence of heat.Solids produce “cinder” as a result of heat and combustion. The higher the surface of the solids exposed to heat and the surface on which it can generate flammable gas, the more easily it burns. The resulting “cinder” contains high heat and high danger. In the process of Fire Detection and Warning Systems and Fire Extinguishing, the temperatures of these cinders should be lowered first.

Class B Liquid Flammable Fires:

This class, which contains fires related to liquids or liquefiable solids, burns flaming without cinder. Combustion usually occurs on the surface of the liquid and does not go deep. However, although the processes vary depending on the density of the substances, they usually evaporate easily.In fact in this class, not the liquid itself, but the resulting steam burns. Therefore, explosions may occur in cases of large amounts of gas accumulation.Smothering method can be used in Fire Detection and Warning Systems and Fire Extinguishing process.

Class C Gas Flammable Fires:

This class covers all fires caused by combustible gases. This class, also called gas fire, has a tendency to burn rapidly.Gas flammables do not require an evaporation process, such as classes A and B, and exhibit combustion behaviour as soon as they interact with the lowest ignition temperature. Therefore, another distinctive feature of this class is its explosions. Because they can react and burn due to sudden combustion and interaction.However, there is a detail there. Gases have limits called lower and upper explosion limits, for ignition and explosion. This is called an explosive atmosphere, which means that a certain proportion of gas mixtures are formed in the air. During the Fire Detection and Warning Systems and Fire Extinguishing process, the fire source should be cut and cooling process should be executed.

Class D Metal Fires:

In this class, which is defined as the flammable metals fire in the broadest term, there are fires caused by all flammable metals.The main characteristics of Class D fires are: flameless and high temperature combustion with cinders.In the process of Fire Detection and Warning Systems and Fire Extinguishing, it is intervened with D class Dry Dust produced for special purpose.

Regardless of the class, it is vital to take precautions against fire and to detect and report a possible fire situation early.Therefore, regardless of the risk situation, it is the most effective solution to integrate Fire Detection Systems and Fire Warning Systems into living spaces.

Section Electronic Security Systems

We provide services in the areas of Fire Detection Systems and Fire Alarm Systems, we offer solutions in accordance with fire regulation and EN-54 Europe Standard by evaluating application projects in line with their risk groups and requirements.